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ULTRAFLOR Training & Certification

Meet Your Trainer:

Clark Branum

Diamatic is proud to have Clark Branum as the Program Manager and Trainer for Diamatic USA. Clark has logged in more than 30 years in the concrete industry and he is responsible for the specification of our brands ULTRAFLOR® and SILEX®

He began his career in the Seattle area spending more than 24 years as flatwork finisher. He has worked throughout the Northwest including Alaska. He went on to develop and conduct distributor and contractor training programs for Brickform Products in the United States and internationally, Serving as they’re Technical Director.

Branum serves on the board of directors of the Decorative Concrete Council of the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) and is a member of the American Concrete Institute (ACI). He is currently serving on two ACI committees: 601-D Certification Committee for Decorative Concrete Finishers and C-310 Design and Construction Practices for Decorative Concrete.

He also is a lecturer at Cal State Chico for the CIM (Concrete Industry Management Program), and works on projects with the students as much as his time will allow.

He has been a regular speaker at the World of Concrete and he has worked on projects worldwide including; Hong Kong Disney, Venetian Macao, and Top City Beijing China. He currently resides in the Seattle area with his family.
