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Pantheon Surface Prep Denver


Concrete Equipment Rental in Denver

Pantheon Surface Prep Sales and Rental serves the niche market of concrete prep and polishing.  We have partnered with the top manufacturers in the industry including Diamatic, Versaflex, NSS, Ameripolish and Wagman. As a result, we’re able to bring you the best, most advanced options for all concrete surface prep and polishing needs.  Our concrete equipment rental options combined with our expertise will give you what you need to get the job done right the first time.

We can help you with your project – regardless of the size…
We rent and sell the specialty equipment to meet the needs of projects from a 500 sq ft basement to 500,000 sq ft warehouse. You can also get all needed supplies at Pantheon. We stock the diamonds, supplies and chemicals needed to complete your project.

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1820 W Baker Avenue
Englewood, Colorado
80110, United States

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Monday-Friday: 7:30AM – 4:30PM
Saturday: 9:00AM – 11:00AM
Sunday: Closed
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Our Denver Equipment Rental Showroom

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We Can Help You With Your Concrete Polishing Rental & Service Needs

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