Silex® Slurry Bags are wet slurry filtration bags made from high-quality geotextile woven materials allowing water to filter through utilizing a dehydration process by means of natural gravitation. Slurry Bag’s fabric design matrix retains the solid concrete sediments while permitting the free flow of water to be filtered to lower micron levels.
Pre-treating slurry by adding SlurrySEP helps accelerate the filtration and separation process, reduces bag ‘blinding’ or clogging of the bag’s interior walls while also lowering pH levels. Using SlurrySEP is ideal if recycling water for reuse on projects and provides additional benefits if used in auto scrubbers. Utilizing a SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) product such as SlurryDRY in conjunction will quickly absorb any remaining liquids, drying the slurry by creating a landfill ready solid.
There are multiple setups, processes and products to utilize for slurry management. CONTACT us to learn more about our products and best practices for setting up a SLURRY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.
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