8110 CrownSeal CRU is a two-component abrasion, chemical, and stain-resistant aliphatic polyester polyurethane finish coat. It is available in clear glass, clear satin, and can be pigmented with Crown Polyurethane PigmentPacks™. It cures to an inert, tough, impact, abrasion, and chemical resistant finish coat. It is resistant to Skydrol, betadine, and conventional hottire staining.
Crown Polymers CrownSeal CRU 8110 UV Polyurethane
Available in:
- CrownSeal CRU 8110 Clear- UV Polyurethane 1.5 gal Kit
- CrownSeal CRU 8110 Clear- UV Polyurethane 15 gal Kit
Call for pricing and orders: Please call one of our coating experts with over 30 years of coating knowledge to order your coatings. Coatings can be complex, so ordering with one of our experts will save you time and money.
Technical Data Sheet
FB Product Number
COAT10018 | CrownSeal CRU 8110 Clear- UV Polyurethane 1.5 gal Kit |
COAT10019 | CrownSeal CRU 8110 Clear- UV Polyurethane 15 gal Kit |